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Whisker-Worthy Catnip Tea Recipe for Happy Purring Cats

Catnip Tea Recipe For Cats

Looking for a natural way to pamper your feline friend? Check out our easy catnip tea recipe that will keep your cat purring with delight!

Are you looking for a special treat to spoil your feline friend? Look no further! We have an incredible catnip tea recipe that will have your cat purring with delight. Whether you want to calm your kitty's nerves, stimulate playfulness, or simply bond over a soothing beverage, this recipe is perfect for any occasion. With just a few simple ingredients and easy-to-follow instructions, you'll be brewing up a cup of happiness for your beloved pet in no time. So, grab your teapot and let's get started on this pawsitively delightful adventure!


Catnip, also known as Nepeta cataria, is a herb that many cats find irresistible. It can provide them with relaxation and entertainment, making it a popular choice among cat owners. One way to introduce catnip to your feline friend is through catnip tea. This article will guide you through a simple catnip tea recipe for cats, ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for your furry companion.

Gathering the Ingredients

Before you start making catnip tea, ensure you have all the necessary ingredients. You will need:

  • Dried catnip leaves: approximately 1 teaspoon per cup of water
  • Fresh filtered water: 1 cup
  • A teapot or a small pot with a lid
  • A strainer or tea infuser
  • A cat-safe cup or bowl for serving

Preparing the Tea

Now that you have gathered all the ingredients, it's time to start preparing the catnip tea. Follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Boiling the Water

Pour the fresh filtered water into the teapot or pot and bring it to a boil on the stove. Ensure that the water is hot enough to extract the flavor and properties of the catnip leaves.

Step 2: Adding Catnip Leaves

Once the water has reached a rolling boil, carefully measure and add the dried catnip leaves into the teapot or pot. Use approximately 1 teaspoon of dried catnip leaves per cup of water. Stir gently to combine the leaves with the water.

Step 3: Steeping the Tea

Place the lid on the teapot or pot, allowing the catnip leaves to steep in the hot water for about 10 minutes. This will ensure that the tea absorbs the beneficial oils and compounds from the catnip.

Step 4: Straining the Tea

After the steeping time is complete, use a strainer or tea infuser to strain the catnip tea into a separate container. This will remove any remaining solid pieces of catnip leaves, leaving behind a clear liquid that is safe for your cat to consume.

Serving the Catnip Tea

Now that you have prepared the catnip tea, it's time to serve it to your feline friend. Follow these guidelines:

Step 1: Let It Cool

Allow the catnip tea to cool down to room temperature before offering it to your cat. This will prevent any accidental burns or discomfort.

Step 2: Find a Quiet Spot

Choose a quiet and comfortable spot where your cat can enjoy the tea without any distractions. This could be their favorite resting area or a cozy corner of the house.

Step 3: Offer the Tea

Pour a small amount of the catnip tea into a cat-safe cup or bowl. Gently place it in front of your cat and allow them to approach it at their own pace. Some cats may be immediately intrigued, while others may take some time to warm up to the new scent and taste.

Step 4: Observe and Enjoy

Observe your cat's reaction to the catnip tea. Some cats may roll in the tea, lick it directly from the bowl, or simply sniff and walk away. Remember that not all cats are affected by catnip, as it only has an effect on about 50-75% of felines.


Catnip tea can be a delightful treat for your cat, providing them with both mental and physical stimulation. By following this simple recipe and serving the tea in a safe and controlled manner, you can ensure a positive experience for your furry friend. Remember to offer catnip tea in moderation and always consult with your veterinarian if you have any concerns about your cat's health or reaction to catnip.

Introduction to Catnip Tea for Cats

Welcome cat lovers! Get ready to learn how to make a delightful catnip tea for your furry friends. Catnip, also known as Nepeta cataria, is a herb that belongs to the mint family and is well-known for its ability to attract and stimulate cats. Making catnip tea is a great way to provide your cat with a special treat that can help them relax, relieve stress, and have a fun and enjoyable experience. So, let's gather our ingredients and get started!

Gathering the Ingredients

To craft this tasty treat, you will need a few simple ingredients. First, collect fresh catnip leaves. It is important to ensure that the catnip you use is fresh and of high quality, as this will enhance the flavor and effectiveness of the tea. Next, gather some water, preferably filtered or spring water. Finally, you will need a tea infuser or strainer to separate the liquid from the leaves. With these ingredients on hand, we're ready to move on to the next step.

Preparing the Infusion

Start by boiling water in a kettle or pot. While the water is heating up, place a generous amount of catnip leaves into a mug or teapot. The amount of catnip leaves you use depends on your cat's preference and the strength of the tea you desire. If your cat is particularly fond of the aroma, you can add more leaves for a stronger infusion. Once the water reaches a rolling boil, carefully pour it over the catnip leaves, ensuring that they are fully submerged in the water.

Steeping the Catnip Leaves

Allow the catnip leaves to steep in the hot water for about 10 minutes. This will give the leaves enough time to release their aromatic and beneficial properties. During this time, the water will become infused with the essence of the catnip, creating a flavorful tea that your cat will love. As the leaves steep, you may notice the water taking on a light green color and a pleasant herbal aroma filling the air.

Straining the Mixture

Once the steeping process is complete, it's time to strain the mixture and separate the liquid from the leaves. Using a tea infuser or strainer, carefully pour the catnip tea into a separate container, allowing the liquid to pass through while trapping the leaves. This will create a pure catnip tea without any plant material. Discard the used leaves or save them for later use, such as sprinkling them on your cat's toys or scratching posts for added enrichment.

Cooling Down

Before offering the catnip tea to your cat, it is important to let it cool down to room temperature. This will prevent any burns or discomfort for your furry friend. You can speed up the cooling process by placing the container of catnip tea in a cool water bath or in the refrigerator for a short period of time. Remember, it should be just slightly warm or at room temperature when served to your cat.

Presenting the Tea

Gently place the cooled catnip tea in your cat's favorite bowl or dish. Make sure the container is clean and free from any residues that might affect the taste or quality of the tea. Your cat may already be eagerly waiting and watching as you prepare the tea, sensing that something special is about to happen. Set the bowl in a calm and quiet area, creating a relaxing atmosphere where your cat can fully enjoy their tea.

Encouraging Your Cat to Drink

If your cat isn't initially interested in the catnip tea, you can try sprinkling a small amount of catnip on top or around the tea to entice them. The familiar scent and taste of catnip will pique their curiosity and encourage them to give it a try. You can also gently dip your finger into the tea and let your cat lick it off, allowing them to experience the flavor and aroma firsthand. Be patient and give your cat some time to explore and become accustomed to the new treat.

Serving Size and Frequency

Offer a small amount of catnip tea to your cat, approximately one to two tablespoons. Start with a conservative serving size and observe your cat's response. Some cats may prefer a stronger concentration, while others may be satisfied with a milder taste. It is important to monitor your cat's reaction to the tea and adjust the serving size accordingly. Generally, offering catnip tea once or twice a week is sufficient to provide your cat with a special treat without overindulging.

Enjoy Together!

Sit back, relax, and take pleasure in sharing this bonding experience with your cat as they savor their homemade catnip tea treat. Observe how your cat reacts to the tea, whether they become more relaxed, playful, or simply enjoy the taste. Catnip tea can be a wonderful way to create a special moment with your feline companion and strengthen your bond. Remember to offer the tea in moderation and consult with your veterinarian if you have any concerns or questions about introducing catnip tea into your cat's diet. Cheers to happy cats and delightful tea times!

Catnip Tea Recipe For Cats

The Magical Beverage for Your Feline Friend!

Are you looking for a special treat to spoil your beloved feline friend? Look no further than the enchanting Catnip Tea! This delightful herbal infusion is not only a tasty treat but also offers numerous benefits for your furry companion. Read on to discover our purrfect recipe and instructions for preparing this magical beverage.


  • 1 teaspoon of dried catnip leaves
  • 1 cup of boiling water
  • A teapot or heat-resistant container
  • A strainer or tea infuser
  • A catnip toy or treat (optional)


  1. Start by boiling a cup of water in a kettle or on the stovetop. Ensure the water is hot enough to release the aromatic oils from the catnip leaves.
  2. While the water is heating, measure one teaspoon of dried catnip leaves and place them into your teapot or heat-resistant container.
  3. Once the water reaches a rolling boil, carefully pour it over the catnip leaves in the teapot.
  4. Allow the catnip leaves to steep in the hot water for about 5 minutes. During this time, the water will absorb the beneficial properties of the catnip.
  5. After steeping, strain the tea using a fine-mesh strainer or tea infuser to remove any loose leaves.
  6. Pour the freshly brewed Catnip Tea into a small bowl or saucer, ensuring it has cooled down to room temperature before serving it to your feline friend.
  7. Present the Catnip Tea to your cat and watch them revel in delight! You can also sprinkle a few dried catnip leaves on top for an extra touch of excitement.
  8. Remember, moderation is key! Offer the Catnip Tea as an occasional treat, as some cats may have different reactions to catnip.
  9. If your cat enjoys the taste and effects of catnip, you can consider incorporating it into their routine. However, always consult with your veterinarian before making any significant changes to your cat's diet.

Now, sit back and enjoy watching your furry friend indulge in the magic of Catnip Tea. Not only will they love the taste, but they will also benefit from the relaxing and stimulating properties of this herbal infusion. Cheers to a happy and contented kitty!

Table: Catnip Tea Recipe

Ingredient Measurement
Dried catnip leaves 1 teaspoon
Boiling water 1 cup
Teapot or heat-resistant container 1
Strainer or tea infuser 1
Catnip toy or treat (optional) -

Thank you for visiting our blog and showing interest in our catnip tea recipe for cats! We understand that as pet owners, we always strive to provide the best care and treats for our furry friends. Catnip tea is not only enjoyable for cats but also has several benefits for their overall well-being. In this closing message, we would like to provide you with the instructions on how to make this delightful treat for your beloved feline companions.

To start off, gather the necessary ingredients for the catnip tea recipe. You will need fresh catnip leaves, water, and a small pot. It is important to ensure that the catnip leaves are fresh and of high quality to maximize the flavor and effects of the tea. Next, bring water to a boil in the small pot. Once the water reaches a rolling boil, add a handful of catnip leaves into the pot.

Allow the catnip leaves to steep in the boiling water for about 5 minutes. During this time, the water will absorb the aroma and properties of the catnip, creating a flavorful and enticing tea for your cat. After the steeping process, remove the pot from heat and let it cool down to room temperature. This will ensure that the tea is safe and comfortable for your cat to consume.

Once the catnip tea has cooled down, strain the liquid to remove any remaining catnip leaves. You can use a fine mesh strainer or a cheesecloth for this step. Now, the catnip tea is ready to be served to your cat! Pour a small amount into their water bowl or offer it to them in a separate dish. It is important to note that while catnip tea is generally safe for cats, moderation is key. Offer this treat as an occasional indulgence rather than a daily beverage.

We hope that you find this catnip tea recipe easy to follow and that your cat thoroughly enjoys this special treat. Remember to observe your cat's reaction to the tea and adjust the serving size based on their preferences. Cheers to making your beloved feline friend's day a little extra special with this delightful catnip tea!

People Also Ask About Catnip Tea Recipe For Cats

1. Can cats drink catnip tea?

Yes, cats can safely drink catnip tea. In fact, it is known to have a calming and soothing effect on cats, often making them feel more relaxed and content.

2. How do you make catnip tea for cats?

To make catnip tea for your cat, follow these instructions:

  1. Boil a cup of water.
  2. Add a teaspoon of dried catnip leaves or a catnip tea bag to the boiling water.
  3. Remove the pot from heat and let the tea steep for about 5 minutes.
  4. Strain the tea to remove any leaves or particles.
  5. Allow the tea to cool down completely before offering it to your cat.

3. How much catnip tea should I give my cat?

The recommended serving size of catnip tea for cats is approximately one teaspoon per 10 pounds of body weight. It's important not to exceed this amount to prevent any potential digestive issues.

4. Can catnip tea be refrigerated?

Yes, catnip tea can be refrigerated for up to 24 hours. However, it's best to serve it at room temperature to ensure your cat finds it more appealing.

5. How often can I give catnip tea to my cat?

It is generally safe to offer catnip tea to your cat once or twice a week. Providing it too frequently may reduce its effectiveness and novelty for your pet.

6. Are there any side effects of catnip tea for cats?

No, catnip tea is considered safe for cats and does not have any known harmful side effects. However, as with any new food or beverage introduced to your cat's diet, it's advisable to monitor their reaction and consult a veterinarian if you have any concerns.